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Vitamin A plus campaign

We can imagine a world where there are no sick people. Everyone will live a healthy and normal life. They will get the necessary medicines and prescriptions whenever they want. We can create such a world if we want to.For this purpose, the government of Bangladesh provides vitamin A capsules free of cost to children aged 6 months to 5 years every 6 months.
On Tuesday and Wednesday December 12 and 13, Orchid Open Scout Group members distributed vitamin A capsules to children at 2 mobile centers in Narsingdi and performed their duties with care and respect. In 2 days we distributed vitamin A capsules to around 500 children. We have even provided vitamin A capsules from bus stops to children traveling on buses. Our goal was 1. No child will be left out, all children will get vitamin A capsules.
A healthy strong person is wealth for mankind. A person needs to be healthy and strong to become an asset. We can help everyone grow up healthy and strong through these actions. All of us should come forward in these activities for a better future generation
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Youth Engagement
Healthy Planet

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