South Africa

Vileka Bulili

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a profound and widespread problem in SA, affecting almost every aspect of life. It is entrenched in institutions, cultures and traditions. The Mpumalanga Office of SCOUTS SA implemented a project addressing GBV and raising awareness on what it is and how one can get help, while partnering with local stakeholders, and contributing to SDGs 3 and 5.
A training booklet was developed in partnership with local stakeholders. 100 were printed and used to train youth and adults (TOT) in understanding GBV, gender equality, and gender - based inequalities, etc.. A 2-page pamphlet was developed, translated in Swati, printed and shared with 200 youth An Imbizo was held with local stakeholders to raise awareness, educate and support people. School and Community Dialogues were held within local schools to educate youth to share correct info.
The relationships with the local community and local NGOs have been critical in the success of this project. Without the buy-in of those groups, the impact would have not been the same. A learning for others is, if the project is based on addressing a specific societal issue - then working well with other actors in the space is critical for success.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Civic engagement
Sexual and reproductive health
Personal safety

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