Since Nineties I am a faithful follower of United Nation Observences and Our National ones. Some of the observances the dates are same for both but some we have adifferent date. I am after days, weeks (sometime) years and decades ( in general I may miss them) But ınternatişonal and Woırld Days always have prime importance.
The following file and photos are from August 2015 to today. I try to find out the program of UN suggested activities relevant to scouts students and school clubs look for activities, programs. Any offered e-certificates. World map for activities. Time to time I make collages of activities done in other countries or posted ones on scout org.
Soon I will start 2015-2016 file ( I already posted for world food day activitişes and competitions. Pollow mw and join to this wonderful world of peaceful activities. On most of them you can make a single or 5 or 10 activities from UN FAO Youth and United Nations Global Alliance challenges. You can finf al of them on scout.org pages and ask me available posters to make short cuts in a simple way