Instead of buying seedlings, we decided to germinate our own seedlings at home and share the successful stories of germinating the seedlings at home without any cost and have it sustainably in force for future uses also.
Our goal in this project was to carry out a sustainable project by manually pollinating flowers at home and extracting the seeds from the flowers as they dry. After extracting the flowers, we would dry them for a week. Then we would spread the dried seedlings in a pot.
This project took place in Lautoka City. We carried this experimental project safely in our home environment due to the covid-19 restrictions.
We dried the seedlings for a week. Then we spread the seedlings in a pot. We watered it continuously for a month. After that we saw seedlings germinating.
As the seedlings grew taller, we took them out and re-planted it in the small plastic bags.
This project benefitted 26 people who live around our neighbourhood as they were very inspired through our project and they tried to replicate it at their home environments.
This project has taught us that nothing is impossible. Our small scale project sent vibrations of success throughout our neighbourhood. It takes one idea and determination to turn it into a project which can be replicated by anyone who tries it.
I wish the readers all the best in trying our this project.