Tree Planting Program
At first I was a bit hesitant to join but I wanted to experience and help the community especially the environment. What also made me want to join was because I reflected on our current ecological problems today and I wanted to make the world a better and livable environment not just for us humans but also for the animals as well.
It was implemented on August 06, 2022 at BSP Capitol Hills, Cebu, Philippines. We were able to plant many trees as well as able to make friends with other organizations that were part of the project.
The project was able to sustain and add more plants for our environment to be more sustainable and livable. I hope it made a difference and can help prevent the ecological problems that are happening today.
I learned that even a small act can make an impact towards society. I realized that helping the community can be very enjoyable because not only am I contributing this towards the community but also you are doing this with your fellow scouts.