Profile picture for user md. ridoy islam

Tree plantation

I myself am inspired by this. Because the need of trees in our life is immense. We live with oxygen from trees. We eat the leaves, fruits and seeds of trees as food. Our medicines are also made from these trees. Trees regulate temperature by shading the living world. Trees absorb carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere and release oxygen gas, which humans and other animals use. Takes for breathing. We all should participate in tree planting in a planned manner.
My project was implemented in my area. I did this as a team. Due to its climate and soil, Bangladesh has been famous for its greenery since ancient times. And this was not limited to the number of trees only, the variety of species was also rich. But compared to the area of Bangladesh, the amount of forest covered area is only 7.7 percent and 14 percent of the forest area compared to the land area. I talked to the people of my area about these issues. Then we start working as a team.
Trees regulate temperature by shading the living world. Trees in extensive forest areas condense water vapor-rich air to cause precipitation. Trees take in carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere and release oxygen gas, which humans and other animals breathe. People will understand this and plant trees. This was the effect of this work
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Nature and Biodiversity
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity

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