There is a great nomber of people mowed to Adana province on recent years Concerns of The Governorate of Adana province started many projects The “Sevgiye uznan eller – Hands reaching out to kindness” is one of the flagship projects where all Scouts of tne Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey as well as Guides and Scouts in school organizations supports.
The main idea of the Project to give relieve with recreation and care to all children.settling in Adana. Here is some of the projects doing on There is tools like culturel activivities art and sports used where guides and Scouts are very active to help
From the start at 13 March 2010 to 18 October 2011 some 10000 children had opportunity tp participate to activities oveer 3000 children and youth trained with scout method and Scouting Essentials
These are just one or teo samples of guide and scout work
A scout camp at a school for 125 children to teach basics and essential characteristics od Guiding And Scouting organized by MEB guides and Scouts
scout Groups of Adana Youth Sports and Scouting Club organized a camp for children at Kütahya Murat Mountain Scout Center at August 2012
Scout Camp for 113 children with scout Essentials. for a week and 113 children participated