Training of 67 Rovers scout in Bhutan

Training of 67 Rovers scout in Bhutan

Bhutan launched 2nd phase of MOP network for Rovers on 2nd Aug 2019 where participants are from 16 colleges and 3 institution. The very mission of conducting such programme was to enhance global MOP network in Bhutan by making Rovers as a agent of change and a messenger of peace. It also aims to enhance rovering programme in colleges and to bring change in their society.

Important Session for Rovers 

From the beginnig of the session Rover scouts are divided into 6 team and other related activities are taught through different strateges and other entertaining and informative programmes for Rovers.Bhutan scout association was supported by south asia Pacific bureau in conducting these programme and most talented facilatator from different country had joined in spreading peace by making  contribution in this training programme. Rovers are enlighten with different knowledge on various toipc realated to MOP that is mainly about  SDGs goals and sharing of wonderful thought and aspirations by different facilatator and other invited guest.

Field trips with a aim to extend MOP network was arranged by management to give experiance to Rovers so that they can contribute more after reaching back to their respective colleges. With these session Rovers had produce great difference in extending MOP network in one of the college ( RTC) Royal thimphu college . There Rovers had carried out many activities and had created 145 MOP account and that was great success at the very journey of Rovers .

Soon 67 trained Rovers will be going back to their colleges and will be implementing their projects and reach their knowledge to many the heart of many young citizens and to their societies.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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