Toilet Cleaning program organized by GCS Scouts
Knowing the fact that if there is lack of access to proper sanitation facilities poses a huge barrier to education as children frequently miss school due to hygiene-related diseases. Toilets and proper washing stations can help stop the spread of many diseases and parasites such as diarrhea. As a scout, it our responsibility to keep our school clean and safe place to learn new things.
As guided by scout leaders, we scouts divided ourselves into boys and girls groups and cleaned our school's day toilet.
This project have positive impacts such as:
1. helps to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria.
2. create to conducive learning environment for all the students in the school.
3. maintain good health and sanitation.
Learnings that i got through this project are:
1. importance of team building and collation.
2. how one is responsible of our own action.
3. civic responsibility.