The tiger patrol visits a charity for people with special needs

The tiger patrol visits a charity for people with special needs

The Palestinian society is composed of a variety of people who have many differences between them but these differences are a way to build a strong society with the close relationships between its members. Based on this belief and a pure scout desire to know more information about a critical component in our society who have some physical, mental or slow-learning problems, and the desire to know about an organization, the tiger patrol visited the Life Gate organization where people with different problems are sent for treatment or to find a better environment in which they have less hardships and the organization provides all these services. This participation had a great influence on the members of the tiger patrol because they got to know about the positive influence that such an organization plays in an attempt to involve these disabled people in society, they also got introduced to the lifestyle these people have in the organization and the activities it does to help them.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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