Third Bhutan Scout volunteer at Peligri monastery

I have inspired by all the participate because they have started doing the project and enjoying and some participate they have tried there best even they were not able to do but thay had  tried and they are helpings each other without any discussion causes they were working with smile on there face and thinking that they are doing good work and they are never ever stopping to persons who are in problems they try to solve the problem and like that i also got motivated by them .

Started to work at 8 am telll 4 30 pm for cleaning and carrying some martels of monastery and had fun at project place all the scout were happy and saying that glad to come here cause it make good change and it make good memory in our life. 

It can benefit to all the peoples who are visiting the monastery and to the monastery monks .

Learned how to delete our negative thought from head monks of monastery and learned how to take positive taught in our life taught by monk of Peligri monastery. 

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Programme
Environment and Sustainability

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