Teachers' Day celebration

Teachers' Day celebration

In our country Bhutan, we celebrate National Teachers’ Day on 2nd May, which marks the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The Third King of Bhutan –His Majesty King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. He known as the Father of Modern Bhutan His Majesty The Third King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck was born on May 2, 1929 at Thruepang Palace in Trongsa. In his reign he transformed Bhutan significantly introducing democratic system since then to the modern developments in Bhutan. Unfortunately he demised in Nairobi in Kenya in 1972. We celebrate the National Teachers’ Day to either pay our respect to the teachers past, present and future who have sacrificed, made a difference and who are sacrificing, making a difference and teachers who will be sacrificing and making a difference in the lives of many who had, are and will be building the Nation. By celebrating May 2nd as Teachers’ Day we would not only be paying respect to the great human being in the form of our Third King but we will be paying respects to all the great souls who come in the form of teachers playing with Chalk and Duster, Notebooks and Textbooks, Lesson Plans and Home Work corrections, challenging their own emotional, mental, and physical health to overcome the challenges of the emotional, mental and physical health of the students. Teachers who work beyond 9 to 5 hours of the regular schedule, those hearts who worry endlessly when the board examinations knock on the gates, the people who ignore their own children at times for the sake of other children under their care, those brave souls who fight the wintry cold and summary heat to be in the classrooms, those souls who walk for hours on end to reach to their destination yet their love of the profession take them there. Here in our school, we celebrated in a small way to pay tribute to past, present and future teachers. The students offered TASHI KHADHAR to their beloved teachers. They also came up with varieties of activities to observe the day.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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