Taking Climate actions in Bhutan 🇧🇹
After attending Refresher course, it really boosted the energy of Scouts leader to take up new initiatives in schools. With the quick discussion amongst scout leaders and school management, we carry out this campaign to take climate action and remind locality to be careful of their waste. Our senior scout leaders and masters are more into bringing such initiatives and they are behind this successful campaign.
This project is one day scout cleaning campaign with the motives to take action against climate change and also remind our locality about ways to overcome. 290 scouts and 10 scout master's participated to not only pick waste but to create awareness on importance of maintaining cleaness and stop littering our mother earth. As gesture of appreciation and acceptance we received huge support from shopkeepers with refreshments and assurance of future support
This project received huge support from community people and this simply was wonderful part of this projects. This project will help locality to change their mid set and stop harming mother nature by stopping even small plastic from going into nature. So it our biggest aim to work in partnership with local people so as to contribute equally in preserving our mother nature.
We learnt that nothing is impossible untill we initiate something and be a messenger of peace to contribute and prosper in preserving our mother earth from harm.