Summer school support by Ankara Scouts and NGO'a like TEMA and Aktiffelsefe Association
The summer school of Ankara Çankaya district Municipality begin with a opening program where acout 250 children informad about program. They also has a lecture and documnenteries about making those film
Next Morning Scouts TEMA and Aktiffelsefe and some other associatins volunteers made one and herlf houe sessions on Genera l thame Touching to Nature" As TEMA part climate Change was main item and inreoducet to children ith a well made power point presentation and several games and word fşnding puzzles
Next week scouts of Ankara organised a camp for three days where scoutng introduced to youth. It was prime educational activity where also educational stations made by TEMA volunteers and Actiffelsefe
Actiffelsefe sessions was on cooperaiton and communication and several other subjects with games
As TEMA Ankara volunteers we worked again on Climate change educational games and several other games puzzles etc.
We also worked on scouting activities on Climate Change and Food secutirty and forest challenge programs of YUNGA FAO international programs
Our work and calculations are in information collection phase to make this activity carbon free with tree planting and 3R ofset