Strengthen Cooperation and volunteerism among scouts
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Strengthen Cooperation and volunteerism among scouts

We the scout leaders of GMSS along with our scout organized was the scout fund raising during the three days School Sports Festival in the school from 14th March to 16th March 2019. The aim and objective of this activities is ;Generate fund for scout activities in the school, Enhance team work and cooperation among scouts, Incalculate the values and skills of traditional cooking in our scouts, Showcase their skills and creativity in preparing different recipe.

It was a great success and the scout could exhibit their best abilities and prove that they are always a step ahead of the non-scouters because they could perform multi-task while others did just one.

With the coordination and supervision of the scout leaders, more than money, we saw the enthusiasm and volunteer spirit in our scouts. Given a chance, every individual have their own capacity to work and survive in the world.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement

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