sslc exam service at time of covid 19

sslc exam service at time of covid 19

on 20/9/2020during the time of covid 19 karnataka government have planned to conduct sslc exam in some of collage government have seekd the help of scout and guide so i have rendered service as a covid warriors for 8 hours there whe had sanitation thermal screening. and from our unit 6 rovers and 5 rangers have participated and we hade a opportunity to serve lunch to the faculty members and the nodel officer of the clg have appreciated rovers and rangers of BSG for rendering valuable service in the time of covid 19 they said you may get reputation in the society and i said i dont need reputation this is my duty as a responsible rover. As i rendered service in many schools its not my fresh experience for me i will acquire some knowladge along with service
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Engagement

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