Spreading Peace in the school by Scouts
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Spreading Peace in the school by Scouts

On 21st Sept,  the scouts of Mongar Middle Secondary school coordinated to mark the International day of peace by conducting various activities.

All the scout leaders received the students and staff in the morning with Peace Badges, the thermal scanning(Temperature checking) was also done by scout leaders and scouts. Some of the scout leaders monitored the health protocol of COVID-19 when the teachers and students entered the school premises.

It was a wonderful day with the scout leader Sherab Wangmo giving talk on the importance of day, the chief guest spreading the peace message through a story and reading of peace pledge cards by scouts, leaders and teachers to the gathering.

All the scouts, leaders and teachers thanked the front liners(Health Workers,armed forces and volunteers) for keeping us safe from the Pandemic(COVID-19) by expressing their gratitude in words on the Peace banner. The day ended with serving of Peace Tea to the students and guests.

Total of 15 scout leaders, 35 scouts, 60 teachers, 70 students and 5 guests participated in the program from 7:30 am till 10:30 pm.

Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF
Good Governance
Communications and Scouting Profile

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