Spread Message of MOP by Chief Commissioner of Taiwan

Spread Message of MOP by Chief Commissioner of Taiwan

Scouts of China(Taiwan) hold the 2nd National Meeting of Director General of Local Council on 2-3 October in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. Mr. Lin, Yu-Chang (middle), the new elected chief commissioner (mayor of Keelung City) together with secretary general Mr. Su De-Yang (left 1), honorable council chairman of Taiwan provincial council Mr. Chen Ying-hao (left 2), youth delegate Ms. Wang Ting (right 2) and deputy secretary general Mr. Stefan Huang (right 1) spread the message of messengers of peace. We hope more and more young people in Taiwan join us and develop the PEACE project with us. 中華民國童軍總會Scouts of China及台灣省童軍會今假桃園高爾夫俱樂部&悅華大酒店舉辦全國總幹事會議,並由桃園市童軍會協助承辦。 童軍總會青年代表林嘉鵬及王婷夥伴受邀列席。秘書長表示,邀請青年代表列席全國總幹事是符合世界總部政策及青年政策,希冀藉此機會學習青年決策及參與。 同時我們也邀請林右昌UChange理事長一起參與和平使者計畫Messengers of Peace,一起宣揚和平的理念
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