Solidary Fleur de Lis

Solidary Fleur de Lis

We are from zone 13, district 1, group 719 "Grupo Scout Sagrado Corazón". This year (2012) we started this project of collecting bottle caps to send to the Garraham Hospital to be recycled in different products so we can sell and make some money. We have been working on this project since April. We started by publicizing the project, collecting bottle caps in different parts of the city and in the 16th June we made the fleur de lis. Because we were close to the Flag Day we made the Argentinian one. We had spare caps so we also made the international fleur de lis. After that day we kept collecting bottle caps in the Scout group. In December we sent the caps to the Hospital in the city of Bs trough the Cruz del Sur transport from the city of Bahía Blanca.
Started Ended
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