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Sinag Alab Scouts Outfit 422 Tree Planting Project

With the alarming changes into our climate and the land slowly becoming barren due to heating climate, our Senior Scout Outfit 422 decided to plant trees that will provide shade in the future. These trees will also help curb the effects of climate change.
Our Tree Planting Project as part of the Scouts Go Green were held to a farmland here in the vicinity of our school. With numerous consultations and careful planning, we conducted our project. I, being the Scout Adult Leader, made sure that everyone who joined the said project has the necessary permits and are duly registered members of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines.
If the trees we planted managed to grow up as mighty and tall as we expected to, these will make the soil of the farmland firm. The trees will provide shade and will make a good campsite in the future. Aside from that, it will help curb the effects of the climate change.
I learned that conducting a big program like this is hard when shorthanded. I have been doing it singlehandedly making preparations hard. Perhaps the next time I conducted it, I will seek some help from the other teachers and Scout Leaders.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Youth Engagement
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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