Sherubtse rovers scout investing more on project .

Sherubtse rovers scout investing more on project .

Sherubtse rovers scout are suprised by the huge circle of support from different units and forum. Many units and forum are willing to support our project and they turn up for the work. With much enthusiastic mind we continued our work and this is our 3rd visit to our project site and many scenic things happened . Small stream flowed straight through well maintained drain with much gushing sound than before . All completed works seemed reaching  satisfactory level because environment looks clear and clean . 

We are all ready to start our activities for the day promisingly our volunteers did well and could cover lots of distance . We started this project  near agricultural field  and now its almost nearing half untill we reached source of water . 

We brought back all those rubbish and dumped in proper place thus partly imparting knowledge of leaving no trash behind .

Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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