2007 JOTA event experienced at their Local Guide and Scout Center.
There is waste opportunities during JOTA week end. It is important because only one person may speak on circuit and others wait. Waiting is not happy times so they organized games outside of the premises. We also have a book of 73 different activity to bre used on JOTA and JOYI event
Ergin izcilerimiz JOTI de kullanilacak bilgisayarlari hazirladilar. Our explorer scouts has prepared the computers which will be used for JOTI. Photographer: Osman Gursoy
Kiz izcilerimiz ilk temaslarini yapiyorlar ve cok heyecanlilar. Our girl scouts are making their first contacts and they are very excited. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
Semaforu yeni ogrenen izcimiz pratik yapiyor. The boy scout who has already learned semafore is making practice. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
Izcilerimiz Q kodlarini ogreniyorlar. Our scouts are learning Q codes, from their leader, Mr.Murat. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
hat odalarini kontrol ediyoruz. Hangi ulkelerden kac kisi oldugunun istatistiginizi hazirliyoruz. We are checking caht rooms. And preparing an istatistic about how many scouts there are from how many countries. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
En kucuk izcimize, lideri Serkan Ekmen Katilimci Sertifikasi veriyor. One of our leaders Mr Serkan Ekmen is giving participation certificate to the youngest cub scout. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
Izcilerimiz video kameraya el salliyorlar. Dünya izcilerine sevgilerini gonderiyorlar. Our scouts are waving their hangd to the video cam. And sending their loves to world scout brothers. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
Ergin izcilerimiz chat yapiyorlar. Our explorer scouts are making chat. Photographer: Ferhat Acikgoz
Ahmet izci kardeslerine, bir izcinin iple neler yapabilecegini gosteriyor. Ahmet is showing what a s Contacts Scout can do with some piece of rope. Photographer: Ali Erdem Yoruk
We had the most interesting contact with Italy
Türk pizzasini cok sevdiginiz soyledigi icin. Pizza aslinda Italyan olmasina ragmen. She told us she liked Turkish pizza very much. But pizza is famous for Italy. I think she wanted to tell us "Lahmacun".
Any continuing contact
Şili'den, Avustralya'dan, Umman'dan, Yunanistan'dan, Italya'dan, Hollanda'dan arkadalsiklarimiz devam ediyor. We are still in contact with Chile, Australia, Omman, Greece, Italy and Netherland.
We also made contact with the following countries::
OTI Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Switzerland, Chile, Germany, Egypt, Fiji, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, United States
JOTIAmount of computers 24
Connection type ADSL
Semafor, Q kodlari, ip calismalari yaptik. We made some activities about semafore, Q codes and low ropes.
Section Male Female
Cubs / Brownies 1 1
Scouts / Guides 8 2
Rover Scouts 11 1
Venture Scouts & Staff 14 2
Thanks to all of our scouts and leaders for participating JOTI. And thanks to the world scout with meetng us in Turkish channel. Hope to see everybody again very soon...
Author: Seyyah Scouts