Profile picture for user Howard Maujo_1

Sex Education for Adolescents

Looking at the trend how the world is going in the 21st Century, most of the problems that young people face more especially the adolescents are similar in nature and this project may be the answer to some of these problems and we are very much optimistic that young people will put this to good use and respond to some of the problems they face in their everyday life more especially the demands of Sexuality and health well being.

The project was executed in the way that it provided the much needed information on sexuality and health well being of adolescents. It also created the space and platform for young people to discuss issues of their concern interms of sexuality and health lifestyles. Information shared from the handbook will be going on and on for young people to understand and address their sexuality and help them to build on ideas that will foster their grow in this challenging world.

The project benefitted 2007 people and their is a great impact in the sense that the handbook has been integrated in the youth program handbook and Scouts are using it when they conduct activities in their units and their is a great improvement of openness and sharing of information amongst the adolescents, thus breaking down the cultural barriers that inhibit young people to express issues that concern them.
The project is to be scaled up National level and with the involvement of partners at local level will create an opportunity for the NSO to reach to all the Districts in Malawi where Scouts and Young people should access the Safe Sex handbook. The hand-book is designed in such a way that it helps adolescents and young people face the challenges of growing up, to help them make informed decisions about Sexual health and well-being, and ultimately to prepare them for the future.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Better Choice
Health lifestyles
Sexual and reproductive health

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