Service On State Camporee

Service On State Camporee

Service in State Camporee It was a new experience. Our great effort ended in a Grand sucess. We where there 6 days full works 6*18 hrs service . Camp starts from 20 december to 23 rd december. Our service starts from 18 th december. Learned lot from there leadership qualities. Full time service without sleep really enjoyed scouting life as a service Rover feels very proud. We where a team of 40 Rovers and 10 Rangers for state service more 5000 participants. Full live camp and fully active service wing we where in a wing of ham radio service for emergency. We controlled the camp under our wireless systems. Lots of messeges and Messenger of peace message for all participants.Cubs and Bulbuls visited the camp the session with them was most intresting. Totally a great camp for all.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement

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