Service Project of the Scouts of SMJK CHONG HWA (KUMPULAN 01 WANGSA MAJU, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia)

Service Project of the Scouts of SMJK CHONG HWA (KUMPULAN 01 WANGSA MAJU, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia)

I, Phoon Chien Soon Bryan as an active member of the Scouts of SMJK CHONG HWA Kumpulan 01 Wangsa Maju has given service and contribution at a Buddhist Camp for 7 days under the leadership of Mrs. Te Ah Theen , coordinator for Persatuan Agama Buddha Zunti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Leader for Troop & Adc Wangsa Maju. A total of 18 scouts from SMJK CHONG HWA provided voluntary community service under the following settings:

Date: The 1st of December 2019 to the 7th of December

Time:12P.M. to 12P.M.

Location:Canaan Valley, Taman Tasik Teratai, 48200 Serendah , Selangor, Malaysia

Number of Participants: 100 participants from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia

Committee Members: 20 committe members from Persatuan Agama Zunti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

                                   18 Scouts from SMJK CHONG HWA, Jalan Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kumpulan 01 Wangsa Maju PPPM Kuala Lumpur

    We completed tasks regarding registration, provided assistance for participants and chefs, acted as cleaners and did a cultural performance on the final night and so on voluntarily with a smile on our faces. We were praised for our well-mannered behaviour as well as being efficient and friendly when completing tasks.In the process, we befriended two aunties and an uncle when helping them in the kitchen. Most of the scouts hung out at a suspended hut at the front of the compound on most nights which had a spectacular view of the stars. We also went hiking at a palm oil plantation hill. We also fashioned 2 walking sticks out of a thick palm oil leaf which recently fell from one of the trees with a machete. The process of this project overall was smooth and successful. Lastly, I hope that I am able to provide more to help those in need in the foreseeable future. Thank you.


Started Ended
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Communications and Scouting Profile

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