The Scouts for Mother Earth
The waste lying around the school and neighboring areas, and the overflowing waste really bothered me. I really wanted to do something about it, but my effort alone wasn't enough. So, I couldn't find best helpers than the scouts, to help everyone of us stay litter free.
The target areas were the areas with overflowing waste including some part of school areas, the Primary Health Center next to the school, the Gewog Center near the school, the near-by temple and the paths diverging from the school gate.
The scouts were divided into 7 troops, each troop was led by an adult leader. The troops were deployed in the mentioned area, to clean and also to provide awareness on waste management to the people residing in the area.
The students at the school, the people residing near the PHC, the residents of the Gewog Center, the shopkeepers near-by and the owner of the temple were the beneficiaries of this cleaning campaign. Some even joined the campagin.
The wastes which were lying on the ground, being rummaged by the strays, were all removed at once.
The importance of teaching others how and what to do, rather than simply doing everything for others.