Scouts humanitarian action in Cabo Delgado
Thousand of displaced people by the insurgency in Cabo Delgado face serious challenges. They lack everything from food to housing. As Scouts we joined other institutions to reduce their vulnerability. On the other hand, Mozambique was trying to speed up the vaccination rollout and the main target were the young people which is the largest age group. Thus, there was a need for mobilization of young people to adhere to vaccination against COVID-19 using different channels and mechanisms.
The project aimed at supporting the victims of military instability through collaboration with several social support initiatives (Makobo - coração solidário, UN Women, UNICEF, UN Habitat, Santo Egídio, UCM, Caritas - Diocese de Pemba, etc.). Our unities were responsible for preparation and distribution of food basket and basic supplies kits; cleaning of relocation centres for the displaced due to violent insurgency; raising awareness to COVID-19 prevention; and recreational activities.
This project benefited a lot of people along the year. Most people managed to survive the trauma in the first days and then restart their own lives somewhere while others managed to stay in the centers and then go back to their homelands. It was touching to make young people play and lough even in those harsh situations, trough our recreational activities. Our involvement in psychological support to girls was a also a learning opportunity for our members.
This project gave us an opportunity to get scouting to a lively dimension in our province. We actually gained more than the people we were helping. It was comforting to go back home tired but remembering those frustrated but smiling faces which often opened up their frustrations, fears and hopes with us. From now on we expect to be engaged in more community activities like these since they touch peoples lives.