Scout hiking and spiritual camp

Scout hiking and spiritual camp

The nachung scouts of our school comprising of 13 boys and 12 girls with 2 leaders, few staff and 2 volunteer scouts took part in the hiking from the school till Serthi village. The hiking took about 2 and half hours. After the lunch at 12:30 p.m at the final destination of our hiking, we continued our journey for the spiritual camp at Tokari Goenpa to visit sacred nyes/spiritual sites blessed by Guru Rinpoche.

Day 1 (1/12/2019): Hiking from Monmola to Sethi and the spiritual journey from Serthi to Tokari Goenpa.

Day 2 (2/12/2019): Visited various spiritual sites blessed by Guru Rinpoche and organized camp fire in teh evening.

Day  (3/12/2019): Return journey.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours

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