Thr information on WWI remembrance meeting in Çanakkale with a message “Dedeciğim ben geldim” which shows their respect gratitute to their ancestors who had been there and fallen for their country. Thousends Guides and Scouts simulated beginning of the war and visit all monuments and cemeteries to feel those days
The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign or the Battle of Gallipoli or the Battle of Çanakkale (Turkish: Çanakkale Savaşı), took place on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire (now Gelibolu in modern day Turkey) between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916, during World War I. A joint British and French operation was mounted to capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (Istanbul) and secure a sea route to Russia.[6] Following an unsuccessful naval campaign to force a passage through the Dardanelles, an amphibious landing was undertaken on the Gallipoli peninsula. The attempt failed, and after eight months of heavy fighting and many casualties on both sides the invasion force was finally evacuated. The campaign was one of the greatest victories of the Ottomans during the war and is considered a major failure by the Allies.
The battle resonated profoundly among all nations involved. In Turkey, it is perceived as a defining moment in the history of the Turkish people—a final surge in the defence of the motherland as the ageing Ottoman Empire was crumbling. The struggle laid the groundwork for the Turkish War of Independence and the foundation of the Republic of Turkey eight years later under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, himself a commander at Gallipoli.
Every year The Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey organizes a camp on the day of invasion. Guides and Scouts coming from all over Turkey with a message “Dedeciğim ben geldim” (Grandpa I came for you). They simulate the movement of 57th regiment of Turkish Army to encounter the landing of enemy to make a bridge head.
Now the people in all of those countries are preparing to make this event on centenary at 2015 and we will also try to make ir one of the greatest Messengers of peace event and a join in event will carry this messages to all over the world where great grand children lives will hear it. These countries is not only Turkey UK France Australia New Zealand. There is many people from all over the continents where countries were under the flag of those belligerents
Here is a short story of Scout leader on the trip they made. Its Turkish original and short english translation is given
İlk gün akşamdan otobüslerimize bindik ve Ankaradan Çanakkaleye doğru harekete geçtik. çanakkaleye vardığımızda hep birlikte araba vapuruna bındık.Bir saatte Asya kıtasından Avrupa kıtasına karşıya geçince daha önce anlaşmış olduğumuz rehber sayesinde küçük çapta bir Çanakkale turu yaptık.Kitaplarda yazılan yaşanmış destani hissetmeye başladık. Şehitlerimize de uğramayı ihmal etmedik.yemeklerimizi yedik ve kamp alanına doğru hareket ettik,Kamp alanında bizler için belirlenen kamp alanımıza çadırlarımızı kurarak yerleştik.
Ertesi gün kamp açılışı oldu. Yaklasık 3.500-4000 kisi mevcuttu.Her ilden izci ve liderler katılmıştı. Tanıdık simalarla barış dolu bir kampta karşılaşmak çok güzel oluyordu. Gün boyu bazı izciler seçilerek Askeri personel tarafından törenlerde nasıl yürütülmesi gerektiği öğretildi ve denendi. Ertesi gün 57.alay yürüyüşüne katıldık.yaklaşık 30 -32 km lik yürüyüşümüz gece 05:00 sularında kalkmamızla başlamıştı. Top ve mermi sesleriyle uyandırılan kamp izcilerin tek sıraya girip ayni 1915 de olduğu gibi asker çorbası ve pişiden oluşan yemekleriyle güne uyanmıstık. Şehitlere uygulanan herşeyin yapılmasına özen gösteriliyordu. Her izciye kına yakıldı ve yürüyüş 06:00 sularında başladı. .yürüyüşümüz 8 kilometrelik 57. Alayın Düşmanı durdurmak için gittiği patikayı kat ederek devam atti. Daha sonra küçük molalarla devam etti ve 30 kilometreyi buldu. 8 Saat içinde o günleri yaşadık. 8 saatiçinde zaman tünelinde o günlere gittik.Kamp yerlerinde dinlenildikten sonra kamp toplanılmaya başlandı ve ankaraya donmek uzere yola cıktık
Two day before we started from Ankara to Çanakkale. After a night on the road. We reached Canakkale and Pass the Çanakkale straight with a ship and begin a tour on battle grounds with a Professional guide we visited many places where our grandfathers fought and fallen for their country. We made tents where the on camping area of 57th regiment who encountered enemy on the morning of 24 April 1915. There was 3500- 4000 guides and Scouts on the camp. A special group trained for formal ceremony with people coming from other countries in Peace. Nexy moeninh on 24th we wake up noises simulating the landings. Had a breakfast like out grandpas had that day. Suop and a bread. We were on road at 6 o’clock on a road of 8 kilometers with thousends of guides and Scouts and Turkish flads. İt was a longest red line I ever saw.
The road is not finished after 8 kilometers ceremonies and respect events to who fallen continued all they long We are excited like gone to these days on a time tunnel. Next day we get ready on the road again and come back to Ankara