Profile picture for user sadana
Sri Lanka

School Plantation Project

Sustainability had become a trending topic in our school. As a scout it is my responsibility to set a good example to everyone and taking action on this topic was something I did not think twice of. It would also help me to learn more about gardening which I found intriguing at the time.
The project was organized by the school scout group. We gathered our materials and started preparing the garden on our after-school scouting days. We took care of the plants during the interval, and in the after-school times. Eventually we were able to see a fruitful yield.
This project helped us understand how much work goes in to making the food we eat everyday and we realized how grateful we are to the farming communities. We also received a lot of knowledge on gardening.
We learned how to prepare a fertile ground for gardening, how to plant crops properly, how to take care of the crops, and how to harvest the most profitable yield. Not only that, we learned a lot in terms of teamwork and commitment to a project.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Sri Lanka
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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