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The project SAY NO TO PLASTIC was a campaign by GOVT. of India and our scouts and guides inspired me to initiate this this campaign in my school with my scouts and guides. I delivered lectures on SAY NO TO PLASTIC and my scouts and guides also shared their opinion within the school premises and motivated the students and encourage them to spread this message with their neighbourhood and their families.
The scouts and guides and all the students of my school took a pledge to never use 'single use plastic' again, my scout and guides and I delivered lectures and speeches to stop the usage of plastic as it is very harmful for every living organism from a microbe to humans. Various competitions were organised to make the students understand the harm. The winners were rewarded by the Unit Leader.
The scouts and guides encouraged the other students to stop the usage of plastic n the school, and use steel, copper and other material lunch boxes and water bottles and use waste newspaper instead to cover their notebooks and make them more beautiful. the students also encouraged their parents and other people living in their neighbourhood to stop using plastic.
It was a great learning experience for my scouts and guides, my whole school and I. The students learned about the harms of plastic and how its polluting not only our country but the whole world. Learning about how to save the earth from the plastic was a great experience for everyone in the school. The students made Eco friendly bags and beautiful decor pieces out of waste plastic.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Clean Energy
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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