Save The Tasmanian Devils

Save The Tasmanian Devils

Our Save The Tasmanian Devil program was a program developed to teach Cubs and Joeys about the threat the the Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour is to the Tasmanian Devil population. Through experiences that included crafts, problem solving activities and games the youth experienced the life of a Tasmanian Devil and some of the hardships that the animals faced everyday thanks to the influence of humans. Cubs and Joeys were given real life problems and asked to come up with solutions to help Save the Tasmanian Devils. Part of the program included the sale of a badge and all of the money from that sale went to the 'Save The Tasmanian Devil Fund' to help scientists find a cure for the Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour. We raised nearly $1000 through 10 programs.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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