"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.”– Mohandas Gandhi

"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.”– Mohandas Gandhi

Every man is born with two hands and a mouth. It means God wants us to work. We have to work to satisfy our needs. When a man works sincerely, he gets success in life. A: what changes can we bring on 2017? B: lets start with cleaning of our surrounding C: from where is start? A: Cleaning the surrounding is done during the SUPW A: lets clean those area which no one thought of cleaning the Dark Room- full of Dust and Unwanted thing lets rearrange the material inside that room... B: the Dusty Room? C: The MPH- store on 27th April,Lopen Thinley Namgay and his team from class 11 com B and C volunteered to clean up the trashes which has been lying under the YHSS -MPH Store for many years. The
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Youth Programme

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