Madhya Howrah Bayam Samity Scouts / Guides Group associated with Madhya Howrah Bayam Samity Club have taken a initiative that to Sanitize the Group area with the spraying by the disinfector guided by the government of India every week
Today it is started at the morning 10:00 am to 12:30 pm by our local revers, the project is leaded by our Group Leader Scouts Sri Jiban Biswas, project executed and coordinated by our ASM Sri Subhasis Mudi . The project planned and guided by Sri Kanchan Das, RSL with the help and advised by Sri Hiron Galui, ARSL and other group Scouters, Total Member present 15 nos. Rovers are distributed with 5 groups as a buddy.
Now the Sponsoring club members donors and the local people are relaying and supporting the group members whole heatedly. The local people are now requesting for different services from our group members.
always ware mask in this covid pandemic situation and make your local area always sanitized