Sanitary napkin campaign :Empowering women

Sanitary napkin campaigns for women destigmatize menstruation, ensure access to safe and affordable menstrual products. .I was motivated because it ensures menstrual hygiene, preventing infections and health complications, promotes gender equality by addressing the specific needs of women. empowers women by allowing them to continue their daily activities confidently, contributes to breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation, fostering a more inclusive and supportive society for all .

To execute this project I started by conducting thorough research on menstrual hygiene, local needs and available resources and worked with health organizations local communities to develop awareness campaigns, raised funds, implemented sustainable solutions for distribution. I approached the topic of periods with young children by using simple, age-appropriate language, emphasizing that it's a normal bodily function, and addressing any questions or concerns they may have openly and honestly.

Young girls benefited from this project by gaining knowledge, preparing for the changes ahead, promoting a positive attitude towards menstruation .About 60 women benefited from this project & can stay safe during menstruation by using clean, hygienic sanitary products, changing them regularly, practicing proper genital hygiene as It helps prevent infections. By maintaining proper hygiene during periods, women can help prevent diseases like urinary tract infections (UTIs) and vaginal infections.

This project educated individuals about menstrual hygiene, promoted access to affordable products. To make it better ,I'll ensure inclusivity by considering the needs of marginalized communities, collaborate with local organizations for wider reach, provide menstrual health education beyond product distribution, and advocate for policy changes to make sanitary napkins more accessible .I'll collect feedback, measure impact, and refine the campaign for greater effectiveness and sustainability.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Sexual and reproductive health
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing

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