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Roles as Scouts Leaders during COVID-19 Pandemic.

COVID-19 is found to be no remedy for its cure. Therefore, when the country faces lots of challenges, it is found that Scout Leaders as DeSuups must come forward and contribute to the nation to protect the peaceful people from the virus.
As a responsible Scout leader and Desuung Gojay in Chapcha Platoon, under Chapcha gewog, Chhukha dzongkhag, the scout leaders of the same school and Desuups of the same platoon were mobilised around the community to sensitise on COVID-19 protocols such as hand washing, face mask wearing, Druk Trace Apps and social distancing in the hoteliers, different chiwogs under this gewog and supplying of food essentials.
Approximately more than 500 people in this gewog and commuters from Phuntsholing to Thimphu were benefited and most of them are aware of the COVID-19 protocols and followed strictly. Therefore there is no single community cases. People follow the protocols.
It is possible to make impossible-possible. We must be very careful to deal and interact with wide range of people, the way we approach them, the rational of being our presence and the current situation. The feedback and mistakes must be taken as positively and work better for near future.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Diversity and inclusion
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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