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Road Safety Rally

We are gathered here today to take part in this road safety rally to ensure that our roads are safe for all users. Every day, hundreds of people are injured or killed on the roads due to careless and irresponsible driving. We have a responsibility to ourselves, our families, and our community to make sure that our roads are safe for everyone.We must all work together to make sure that our roads are safe.
On 22nd May 2021 at 06:00 AM all scouts and robvers of our group gathered in the premisses of Railway District Office. Almost all of us had placards in our hands. The placards depict different messages on road safety.
A road safety rally is a great way to raise awareness of the importance of practicing safe driving habits. It can inform people about the risks of driving recklessly or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as well as the importance of wearing seat belts and obeying road rules. The impact of a road safety rally can be extremely beneficial, as it can help prevent accidents and save lives.
Road safety rallies are educational events that are often organized by government or nonprofit organizations to educate the public about safe driving practices. • Defensive driving techniques • Vehicle maintenance • Responsible alcohol consumption • Driving in inclement weather • Road sign recognition • Seatbelt safety • Distracted driving awareness • Wildlife collisions • Emergency response procedures.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Good Governance
Youth Engagement

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