Road to Peace ,phase I

Road to Peace ,phase I

Road to peace is a community development project. 

A road lies adjacent to the school boundary and especially on peak summer, the road area become marshy and slippery with puddles making kids to travel unsafe with many vehicles plying daily. Further more, on dry season, the area drives a lot of dust into the school classrooms making the learning environment unconducive.  The noise pollution on other hand adds to make situation worst. Hence project Road to peace gave birth to improve the condition of the dusty road conditions .

Today phase I, Road to Peace is completed where 400 m of dusty road, left unmaintained for many years is finally done with base coarse with support from State Mining Corporation Limited(SMCL) who willingly extended the support. 

The project was executed for more than a week where machineries and human resources and  were deployed to make this project successful. Indeed if we happen to measure this  project on money scale, it's expenses are huge ,worth a millions yet our project team could make this project successful at ZERO budget with support from the goodwill company SMCL. 

Now ,our Project ROAD TO PEACE team awaits to phase -II,  Black Topping 

And hopefully would complete with Phase - III




Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Youth Engagement

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