Scouts of China



       活動期待能讓民眾駐足在活動場域內欣賞在地藝文工作者高質量的創作及藝術品示,並拿到特色店家的 "振興折扣卷",搭配合影與打卡的相關配套活動,讓在地年輕的藝文創作者及特色店家能得到更多的關注及分享,讓捐血不再只是特定年紀族群為領禮品而來的活動,而是轉為年輕、驚豔、自發性的快閃活動。將這不同於以往的公益活動,在每個人的內心效益放大化,並帶動周邊店家以及民生產業漸漸活絡,希望未來在疫情趨緩下,能有更多單位一同做出不同於以往的捐血活動。




This blood donation event is a collaborative cooperation model of the Ji’an Rotary Club combining blood donation with local young art creators and specialty stores to display static creations and cooperate with Scouting services. In the past, standardized blood donation activities that used gifts as incentives for donation by associations or companies have returned to the spontaneous and helpful nature, rather than the old thinking of donating blood for gifts, in order to reverse the stereotype of the existing blood donation activities.

The event is expected to allow the public to stop and appreciate the high-quality creations and art demonstrations of local art workers in the event area, and get the "Revitalizetion Discount Coupon" from the specialty store, together with the related supporting activities of group photo and check-in, let you Local young art creators and specialty stores can get more attention and sharing, so that blood donation is no longer just an activity for a certain age group to get gifts, but a young, amazing and spontaneous pop-up activity. This is different from the previous public welfare activities, and the inner benefits of everyone are amplified, and the surrounding stores and the civilian production industry are gradually activated. I hope that in the future, as the epidemic slows down, more organizations can make blood donation activities that are different from the past. 

Number of participants
Service hours
Scouts of China
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF

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