Research on how scouting Improves Young People’s Adaptability
Korea Scout Association conducted the scout development research under the name of "Research on how scouting Improves Young People’s Adaptability" from September 2016 to 20 Feb 2018, during 2 years.
1. Purpose : In order to measure the effectiveness of scout activities, we tried to develop this scale through the development and measurement of indicators that take into account the quantitative meaning and the satisfaction - type specific indicators and take into account individual competence and global orientation. For the appropriateness of indicators development, Youth Activity Competency Indicators (8 competencies), which have been used for years in youth activity field to analyze activity effectiveness, were used as the competency indicators.
2. Measuring effectiveness of scout activities (Tools for components)
■ Self-competency: self-identity, self-efficacy, self-directedness, pursuit of happiness, values
■ Physical competency: healthy body care
■ Conflict Adjustment Capability: Family Understanding, Learning Stress, Conflict Management
■ interpersonal skills: relationship formation, interpersonal communication, interpersonal understanding
■ Problem-solving competency: problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and innovation, planning
■ Achievement motive ability: motivation, achievement orientation, goal awareness, goal execution ability
■ Leadership competency: accountability, language expression, decision making, confidence
■ Citizenship competency: community life, community contribution, participation consciousness, social contribution
3. Comparing group
- A : Competency whole group (Normal Student group)
- B : Competency group Seoul (Researching Data base)
- C : Scout
4. Result : The comparison of the competence of the scouting team members and the general adolescents revealed that the competitors who actively participated in the scouting activities had a significantly higher level of competence than the general adolescents. These results suggest that scouting is a very important mechanism for the growth of adolescents in that acting as a group in adolescence and providing organized and systematic youth activities to cultivate qualities which must have been acquired in adolescence . (More details on Final report)