Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine

Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine

'Pure Water is the World’s First and Foremost Medicine.' – Slovakian Proverb.

More than one hundred students of Gedu College of Business Studies rendered the service to clean water source which serves as the water source for thousands of lives under Gedu community, the volunteers under the Community Partnership Center(CPC) cleaned the water tanks and it's surroundings. It took more than 3 hours for the volunteers to complete their work. This was organised by the CPC sector head in collaboration with the health and all the club coordinators under CPC i.e. Gedu Rovers, Gedu Toilet Wizard, Social Service Club, Tarayana club, Environmental Service Club and Y-Peer Club.

Thank you all the volunteers 
No work shall be left unappreciated :))

Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Youth Engagement

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