Madhya Howrah Bayam Samity Scouts / Guides Group associated with Madhya Howrah Bayam Samity Club have taken a initiative that the Cubs / Bulbuls / Scouts / Guides members of our group (18 Family total 62 members) those who belongs to daily wages families, group will supply to their families daily foods and extreme necessity items for next 6 months. Group also distributed 250 packet food materials (Rice, Dal, Potatoes, Swabin, etc.
This programe and the 6 month food supply (18 Family total 62 members) project is leaded by our Group Leader Scouts Sri Jiban Biswas and Group Leader Guides Smt. Dipali Hazra and project executed and coordinated by our ASM Sri Subhasis Mudi along with our local Rovers. The project planned and guided by Sri Kanchan Das, RSL with the help and advised by Sri Hiron Galui, ARSL and other group Scouters and Guiders.
the local needy families not the beggars detected earlier, other than the Group members families on 12th April 2020 evening 5 pm to 8 pm. Our local thana has also given us the permission for this program and we also distributed some food pack through our thana as per their request.
group will supply to their families daily foods and extreme necessity items for next 6 months. Group also distributed 250 packet food materials (Rice, Dal, Potatoes, Swabin, etc.) among the local needy families not the beggars detected earlier, other than the Group members families on 12th April 2020 evening 5 pm to 8 pm. Our local thana has also given us the permission for this program and we also distributed some food pack through our thana as per their request.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Youth Engagement
Environment and Sustainability

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