Project clean earth camp sit

We live in this planet. Earth like oue mother to us , it cares for us, gives us food , oxygen what not, But most of us don't even look after for our plant, many of us throw waste in evey where. It pollutes our environment. That s why , some of the rovers group, in the leadership of me. Conducted a cleanliness programme in our camp sit compound.

To execute this project, first of all, our rovers made 3 teams. Each team went to different place to clean our rover Bharat Scouts and Guides camp Gadpuri, we first gave instructions to all rovers , how to clean everything and where to throw waste. Then we started our mission clean earth

About 200 Rover and Rangers of our camp were benefited by our project. They got a hygiene place to study.

While conducting this project. Frist of all we learned the importance of caring for our earth. Secondly. This project taught us about group work. Rover and Rangers are always found in a group. This project mode us more closer

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Clean Energy
Healthy Planet

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