Profile picture for user berlianabris

Pramuka Peduli Masyakarat (KALIMAS) Kedungurang

The desire to strengthen the relationship between Scouts and the community and to provide a positive local impact. This project aims to reinforce the Scouts' commitment to serving and empowering the community while raising awareness about sustainable environmental management. We want to create positive change through community activities and training that improve the quality of life and the environment.
Starting with careful planning involving coordination between the Scouts team and the Kedungurang Village community, we began by surveying the location to identify the needs and potential of the area that would be the focus of the activities. After that, we designed a series of activities to be carried out during the project period, including training, competitions, and community events.
We learned the value of planning and adaptability, particularly with unpredictable weather, and the impact of collaboration between the local community and sponsors. Community involvement proved crucial for strengthening relationships and boosting participation. Adherence to the motto "Unggul dalam Moral, Cakap dalam Berkarya, Terdepan dalam Pengabdian" drove members to excel. Overall, the project demonstrated that well-executed efforts can create a lasting positive impact on the community.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Communications and Scouting Profile

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