Pramuka era digital

Pramuka era digital

Really happy and excited watching the activities of school children who participated eskul scouts carry out the camp. Since morning, the brothers brown scout uniforms kept busy preparing and supplies in order to appear more creative along the front line at the campsite. The digital era is a challenge because cyberbullying scouts became friends in positive activities. Cub Scout is equipped with perngkat tablet PC is a portable computer with a touch screen in the form of books or digital tablet technology that allows PC users to use a stylus or digital pen. It was the era of IT devices I scout long ago never existed, not even thought of at all. A prestigious event that is always eagerly scout is widegame - ie traveling cross-country with a variety of challenges as well as quizzes and games to test your knowledge and technical skills across the river or ground. Remarkably, scouts in addition to using a compass as a tool to follow the trip also use GPS (Global Position System) via your mobile phone in order to track and provide position information of travel, making it easier to find the guardhouse will dilewati.Ketika, beheld in the kitchen tent - looks stove gas into the cooking vessel during camping. Similarly with other equipment fully electronic tool. Much different 10 years ago when I became a builder of scouting in school, none of electronic items that should be brought. This is related to aspects of knowledge and life skills in nature must teach through the campsite. Hopefully scouts remain part of character building that shades the natural challenges that come back from the camp can build yourself and the people around with the knowledge and skills during the coaching during camping. Without exception the appropriate too dibelajarkan how to use IT in the context of scouting to be positive and beneficial for both technical and practical knowledge in the field. Scout salute!
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