Prabuhi Free Tobacco Initiatives in 6 cities

Prabuhi Free Tobacco Initiatives in 6 cities

In World No Tobacco Day, PRABUHI Teams from 6 cities in Indonesia ( Jakarta, Sukabumi, Kuningan, Tasik, Denpasar, and Medan) held our national project called PRABUHI FREE TOBACCO INITIATIVES. The Project was conducted in 2 ways: 1. Ribboned Fingers Project Where our Reading Volunteer Scouts run a reading rally with special theme about the harm of smoking, then if they found a smoker who willing to listen and admitted wanting to quit smoking, they tie blue ribbon to their 2 fingers. 2. SMART KID CAMPAIGN They trained a small kid to pretend to ask smoke from a smoker, if they give it, the kids will give them a piece of paper showing the picture and articles about the harm of smoking and world no tobacco day. But if they didn't and told the kid that smoking is dangerous for them, the kid will give a piece of paper saying: "if you thought smoking is not good for me, then why is the world you blow the dangerous smoke into the air I breathe??" in Bahasa Indonesia.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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