Police Remembrance Day

Police Remembrance Day

Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers from the Benowie District join together to support our Police, on Police Remembrance Day at Sydney on 29 September, 2016, a time when our Police force remember those officers killed on duty. 1st Hornsby Heights, 1st Waitara and 1st Normanhurst had representatives come and form a guard of honor for the dignitaries at the event. The service lasted approximately 1 hour and some scouts also laid a wreath. Unfortunately, due to inclement weather, the planned activities had to be adjusted to suit the weather. The Police were very appreciative of the scout's support, and we're very impressed when our scouts saluted on demand (just like the officers did). Our Scouts have been asked back next year.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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