Plantation for the future.

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. –Alice Walker As such this quote says I find nature to be beautiful and peaceful. As such this was my inspiration to take up this project.As each passing years go on our nature and climate slowly declines and become worse as such to preserve our nature, I took up this project.
I volunteered with other scout members form my school to join this project in planting trees at a place called Buddha point.In total with other students form other schools, we had over a hundred participants and leaded by the Indian Ambassador who had joined us as the main guest of honor for the project. We had planted well over a thousand tree saplings on barren areas of the mountain.It also was the 150th birthday of the great Mahatma Gandhi as such in memories of him we had planted many trees.
I believe this project had benefited every one involved as such it taught us that nature is important and without it our planet wouldn’t be having life, as such it gave us all a responsibility to protect our forest,wildlife,and preserving our biological hotspot. As harmful human activities increase each day it affects nature more, and makes it impossible for them to survive.So this project gave us the importance of our forest how without it human nor wildlife could actually survive.
I learned that due to human action and expansion, the one which are affected the most is nature and if we are not careful, the one who will suffer the most is us humans, as without nature firstly we would be out of clean air to breathe and food to eat resulting to our eventual demise. As such “prevention is better then a cure” we should protect and preserve our environment before it is to late to do anything.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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