Peace, Enviroment and Future
This event theme is Peace, Environment & Future, which revolves around educating the participant on their roles as agents of peace thru unity among scouts members.
The participants were divided into 8 groups. There were 8 different stations of activities for them to go to. Each of the station are based on different elements from the WSEP and YUNGA guide book.
Stations like build water filter, importance of water, scavenger hunt, forest art, diorama ideal forest, forest layer, tracking in the forest, water cycle in the world, climbing trees and methods to check water quality.
In the night participants hear a talk about natural disaster, the different types of natural disaster in the world plus what disaster happen locally. Participant also learn what are the action that they can do or prepared in case of such event that happen.
There were also a wall banner for participant to write the pledge towards a better future, better world, better environment and achieving world peace.
Participant were also encourage to continuously continue the work they have learned here and also to post it online.