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Pateros Scouts in Action for ICC 2022

In support to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines’ call to encourage Local Councils and its Scouting Units to initate the conduct of a cleanup drive activity in relation to the celebration of International Coastal Cleanup, Rover Scouts of Pateros Community Rover Circle 01, selected Senior Scouts, LGU, and Civic Volunteers conducted the said activity at Panday Creek, Sta. Ana.
They picked up different trashes and solid waste in the waterway like plastic, styrofoam, wood, household waste, bottles and many more. After the activity, they were able to collect 10 sacks of trashes from the waterway, measured and counted every type of litter and trash for data collection of Ocean Conservancy.
The said event objective is to promote cleanliness on our coastal areas not just in our country, but in the whole world as well, it aims to prevent the effects of the trash and other waste to our coastal waters
Scouts are able to see firsthand the situation of the waterway that causes flood in the surrounding. They learned that the project will always need teamwork and coordination, not only on Scouts, but also to local government units and private and civic groups
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Youth Programme
Clean Energy
Environment and Sustainability

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